
I can’t believe it’s March already! It seems like Christmas was just a couple weeks ago. Anyways, I thought I’d share my March goals.

Go to bed early. I’ve realized that my body needs more sleep than I’ve been giving it. Maybe it’s cause I’ve been sick lately, but I’ve been feeling really tired. Hopefully getting more sleep will fix that. I want to be in bed, with the light out at 9:30.

Workout consistently. I haven’t been great at working out regularly lately. It seems like one day I have tons of motivation, and the next there’s none. If I want to get into shape and do all the things I want to (hiking this summer, 10k in September), that requires work right now. I have to keep that in mind. I’m aiming for 5 workouts a week for the month. I’ve done it before, and I know I can do it again.

De-stress. I know this one is going to be hard. Really hard. But I know I need to do it. Taking the yoga class made me realize how much worrying affects my body (hello stiff shoulders). I don’t want that to continue. Stress is also probably why I’ve been sick lately (two colds in under a month). I think the hardest part for me will be figuring out things to do to deal with the stress. Once a week I’m going to take some time to do something relaxing, whether that’s going for a walk in Bowmont, going to Starbucks with a friend, or reading a good book.

Blog Regularly. I’ve been slacking in the blogging department lately. I’m sorry. I want to post three times each week. Totally doable, especially since I used to blog daily.

So that’s what I want to accomplish this month. What are some of your goals for March?